Treasury measuring what matters.

The Hon Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer
The Hon Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer

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The soon to be released Measuring What Matters statement will indicate a significant shift in how decisions on Government policy are to be made. The Bega Valley Data Collective believes that its important for our community to understand and have access to the data and indicators that are being developed under this framework.

“The Government is committed to working with the community to release a new standalone Measuring What Matters Statement in 2023. The Statement will be Australia’s first national framework on wellbeing and will evolve over time. It will be used to help assess Australia’s progress and guide efforts to create more opportunities for more Australians in more parts of our country.”  – The Hon Jim Chalmers MP, Treasurer

Traditional economic indicators provide important insights, but not a complete picture of wellbeing. The Statement will enable us to better assess progress on a broad range of social and environmental indicators alongside traditional measures of economic strength. It will provide a more comprehensive picture of whether policies are working and support more informed discussions about what needs to be done to improve the lives of all Australians.

Why measure what matters?

Measuring what matters is important for tracking and achieving progress. It will help us better understand our economy and society and support more informed policy making and improved accountability.

Source: The Australian Government the Treasury –

Bega Valley Data Collectives mission is to provide access for our community to the data indicators included in the framework of the Measuring What Matters Statement. The data indicators have been grouped in to emerging policy themes in these five areas:

  • Prosperous – A growing, productive and resilient economy.
  • Inclusive – A society that shares opportunities and enables people to fully participate.
  • Sustainable – A natural environment that is valued and sustainably managed in the face of a changing climate for current and future generations.
  • Cohesive – A safe and cohesive society that celebrates culture and encourages participation.
  • Healthy – A society in which people feel well and are in good physical and mental health now and into the future.

Our aim is to provide access for our community to the Measuring What Matters data indicators to be able to track progress on the factors important to improving our quality of life in the Bega Valley.

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